Tag: Corvette

Huge Hot Wheels Vintage Score! Blackwalls, HiRakers, & The Hot Ones from 1982 & 1983

If you’ve been in the Hot Wheels collecting game for as long as I have, occasionally, you’ll have a friend or family member come to you with a box of old Hot Wheels. it has happened to me before, and it will undoubtedly happen again. In this case, […]

Orange Track Diecast

HELPING or HURTING Collectors? 2024 Hot Wheels VINTAGE RACING CLUB launches with uneven case counts, and a chase piece

Hot Wheels has officially launched silver-label premium for 2024. The various lines — whether new, or converted basics series — have been appearing at retail and through hobby dealers. You get premium paint, full-graphics (including front & rear detail), new silver-label premium wheels, and even some metal/metal vehicles. […]

Orange Track Diecast


The #2019 Hot Wheels “G” case #Treasure Hunts rival that of any other case code for 2019, as they each are among the top as far as #2019 Treasure Hunts go. The paint and wheels are special on the long-overdue, ’92 Mustang super — which we featured the […]

Orange Track Diecast


We are continuing our coverage of the #HW Race Team (2016) series here are Orange Track Diecast with a release that should be all over the pegs at your local retailers by now — the Corvette C7.R wearing the #2 and a #Hot Wheels Race Team deco. Released […]

Orange Track Diecast

HW Digital Circuit: ’11 CORVETTE GRAND SPORT

A lot of collectors have been unhappy with the 2016 Treasure Hunts as this hidden series has contained many #Unlicensed Hot Wheels fantasy castings, just like the 2015 installment. As often as someone voices their displeasure with this year’s arrangement, someone almost always comes in with the old Hot Wheels […]

Diecast Motorsports

2004 First Editions: C6 CORVETTE

2004 was known as the year of the “Hot 100” as Hot Wheels released 100 First Editions into the Hot Wheels mainline — well, 101 if you count the mail-in bonus Volkswagen Drag Truck. Among the Hot 100 were ‘Tooned vehicles which were castings with exaggerated features. While these […]